zaterdag 6 december 2014

Makeup 101: my products

Hello lovelies!

A few days ago I uploaded the post Makeup 101 and promised you to blog about the products I use. That's why I'm giving you a quick peek in my makeup stash !

All of my brushes are from Estèe Lauder - eyelash curler is from H&M

1. Blush and Powder

For blush I use BE's 002 Delight, powder is the lightest one by essence, but I'm not too happy about this one because it doesn't stick so well. 

2. Eyeliner and Mascara

My eyeliner is a liquid, black one by Max & the mascara I use is also a black one by BE that's called Lash Me Baby.

I like products by BE because they are affordable and of very good quality, this mascara was under 20 euros (approx. 24$/15£) and has served me well for over 6 months now. 

3. Lipstick

I'm a big lipstick fan, but these are my three favourites :
1. Pourpre Jazzy by Bourgois, Rouge Edition
2. Vanilla Cream by Estèe Lauder 
3. Red-y to wear by Clinique
4. Lip pencil by Shiseido

Thank you so much for reading, 
Hope you have a lovely day!

xoxo Elise

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