dinsdag 7 oktober 2014

HairDO! Raging Red

Lately I've been really uninspired, feeling a bit dull and lost. So I decided I needed something new to spruce up my life. I then (very impulsively) went to the hairdressers and, well, here's the result:

For those of you who read my previous blog: well spotted! I found the scarf I wanted! Scarf is by Esprit and it's quickly become my absolute favorite accessory.
If you haven't read my post you can find it here: 4 must-have items for fall

Wearing: black dress by Etam, black pumps by Cuplé and knitted bordeaux sweater by Mango
The purse is vintage

Wearing: earrings by Six, checked flanel shirt by Only

I had enough of my same old-same old hairstyle and color. So I said: f* it, and went for something completely different. Sometimes a girl needs a little change. Anyways, although it was a bold choice, I love it! What do you guys think?


Many thanks to my good friend An-Sofie for the pictures!

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